Biblical Sculptures That Speak Volumes
Created by Award-Winning Fine Artist Sherry Heller of the Palm Beaches
Hi, I’m Sherry Heller, and I want to welcome you to shop at my online store for Biblical sculptures. I live in the Palm Beaches in South Florida with my husband, Rick, and my whoodle dog, Max. They are my biggest fans of the sculptures for sale that I enjoy creating. I hope you enjoy them as well. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
My Inspiration
All my inspiration comes from the inspired Word of God, the Bible. The purpose of my sculptures is to make the Word of God available to your senses, to your spirit and to dwell in your hearts and your homes.
About Me
Ever since I was a child, I loved hearing stories from the Bible. In my heart and mind, the stories seemed to come alive, quickening something deep in my soul—an abiding love for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Now, as an artist and sculptor, this love naturally lent itself to creating sculptures which capture the essence of these wondrous stories.
I am a certified Fine Arts teacher, who has shown my award-winning work across the country. I hope to bring my Biblical sculptures into your hearts and homes. My hope is that you will receive some of that same joy from the Lord that I feel during the creation process.
I use many different mediums, such as clay, acrylics, plaster of Paris and cast bronze. Each sculpture is available in a choice of different mediums and patinas.
Sculptures while in progress...
Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife
A glimpse of the work while it was in progress. Available NOW for purchase!
Joseph was sold by the merchants to a high-ranking Egyptian named Potiphar and eventually became the supervisor of Potiphar’s household. In Genesis 39, we read of how Joseph excelled at his duties, became one of Potiphar’s most trusted servants, and was put in charge of his household. Potiphar could see that, whatever Joseph did, God looked favorably on him and he prospered in all that he did. Unfortunately, Potiphar’s wife attempted to seduce Joseph. Joseph consistently refused her advances, showing honor for the master who had entrusted him with so much and saying that it would be “a wicked thing and a sin against God” for him to go to bed with Potiphar’s wife (Genesis 39:9). One day Potiphar’s wife caught Joseph by the cloak and again made sexual advances. Joseph fled, leaving his cloak in her hand. In anger, she falsely accused Joseph of attempted rape, and Potiphar put him in prison (Genesis 39:7–20).